Summer Sucks, Winter Rules…

Please note, this was originally published on Facebook, but as I am deleting my Facebook account, I decided to move it here.

As I was standing outside at 2:00 in the morning having my last smoke of the night before going to bed (that’s because I’m a retard and think that 2am is the right time to go to bed on a work night), I realized what makes me so happy about winter.

Most people love the summer because the sun is shining from 4am to 11pm, at least, it does in Calgary. It’s not dark early and people love that. I don’t. The winter sun does go down early and rises late, but have you ever stood outside on a summer night? Here’s what I want you to do. Next time there is snow on the ground with an overcast night, go someplace that has no direct access to streetlight light. Bring something white with you. Close your eyes. Throw the white thing (make sure it’s light and soft so it stays on top of the snow). Open them, and try to find it. Took you what, a whole minute? Try that in the summer with something dark. Can you even find it? (Of course, this only works in the city, light pollution and all that.)

See, in the winter, when it’s snowing, it never really get’s dark. Last night I could have probably counted the number of ridges in the bark on one of the trees in my back yard. Just from eye sight. There is no shadows, the light is everywhere.

And it’s quiet. I don’t live far from Deerfoot Trail, (for those of you that don’t know what that is, it’s the main highway going through Calgary. It gets quite noisy, even at night) and the only thing I could hear was the sanding trucks doing there jobs on closer streets. Even they weren’t too loud. There wasn’t any wind last night either, so it was just quiet and… not bright, but not dark either. Peaceful.

The only thing I hate about winter is the sun. Of course, that’s why I hate summer too, but in the winter, it’s almost impossible to drive south. The sun is so low in the sky that you can’t see anything. But at least it’s gone around 5pm. The summer? Yeah, it’s hot, it’s bright, it sucks, but you can see south.

And “Oh it’s so cold!” comments don’t cut it either. Put a sweater on. Still cold? Put another on. What am I supposed to do in the summer? The neighborhood watch bitches if I try and go out naked, and then I’m still hot. You can always wear more clothes if you’re cold. There is only so much you can take off when it’s hot.


About Skullnerd

I could tell you how long I've been on the internet, but I don't remember, or care. I could tell you that I love food, but I don't. I love certain types of food, but not all food. I could tell you that I love music, but I don't. I am a fan of certain artists, and the majority of popular music just pisses me off. I could tell you that I watch a lot of TV... actually, that one is true. Just not reality TV. That shit is boring. My current hobbies are trying to create things out of leather - and screwing them up horribly - and trying to build electronics - and failing miserably. As always, I read fantasy and science fiction. A lot. Anything else you don't need to know.
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